Pat Bell

Member for
9 years 29 days
Find a Grave ID


CC: I will see you at the cemetery.

How can I reach a member that doesn't have contact information on their profile page?

If there isn't a contact method available, you may contact a member by selecting Suggest Edits on a memorial they manage. Scroll down and select Suggest other Corrections. Send an email to the manager through this form. If you have reached out to a member, be sure to have a way they can respond to you.

Per Find a Grave when you add info to the bio section

You may have added sensitive information to this bio. We encourage you to not include information such as tax, social security, other identification numbers, or information about living people without their consent.

Per Find a Grave

Burial Details Unknown: Find a Grave's purpose is to catalog and make available final disposition information. If burial information is unknown for an individual, Find a Grave is probably not the right place for their information.

We expect members to do the best they can to find final disposition information and that if an unknown burial is added, that it is uncommon. If a duplicate is created with the correct location, the correctly located memorial will be preferred over the burial unknown memorial and they will be merged together.


Duplicate Memorials per Find a Grave

What are Approve/Decline notices?

We might Approve, Approve with Changes, or Decline the reported duplicate memorial. A reason is sent when we Approve with Changes or Decline.

We may change the order of the merge if there are changes in the memorial's edit history, i.e. the name was significantly changed or the memorial was moved into the cemetery where a correct memorial already existed.

Once the merge is complete, you may want to check the memorial and edit it or suggest edits for any necessary changes.

CC: I will see you at the cemetery.

How can I reach a member that doesn't have contact information on their profile page?

If there isn't a contact method available, you may contact a member by selecting Suggest Edits on a memorial they manage. Scroll down and select Suggest other Corrections. Send an email to the manager through this form. If you have reached out to a member, be sure to have a way they can respond to you.

Per Find a Grave when you add info to the bio section

You may have added sensitive information to this bio. We encourage you to not include information such as tax, social security, other identification numbers, or information about living people without their consent.

Per Find a Grave

Burial Details Unknown: Find a Grave's purpose is to catalog and make available final disposition information. If burial information is unknown for an individual, Find a Grave is probably not the right place for their information.

We expect members to do the best they can to find final disposition information and that if an unknown burial is added, that it is uncommon. If a duplicate is created with the correct location, the correctly located memorial will be preferred over the burial unknown memorial and they will be merged together.


Duplicate Memorials per Find a Grave

What are Approve/Decline notices?

We might Approve, Approve with Changes, or Decline the reported duplicate memorial. A reason is sent when we Approve with Changes or Decline.

We may change the order of the merge if there are changes in the memorial's edit history, i.e. the name was significantly changed or the memorial was moved into the cemetery where a correct memorial already existed.

Once the merge is complete, you may want to check the memorial and edit it or suggest edits for any necessary changes.

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