
Member for
14 years 5 months 10 days
Find a Grave ID


Dear Ancestor,
Your tombstone stands among the rest; neglected and alone.
The name and date are chiseled out on polished, marbled stone.
It reaches out to all who care; it is too late to mourn.
You did not know that I exist; you died and I was born.

Yet each of us are cells of you in flesh, in blood, in bone.
Our blood contracts and beats a pulse entirely not our own.
Dear Ancestor, the place you filled one hundred years ago,
Spreads out among the ones you left who would have loved you so.

I wonder how you lived and loved, I wonder if you knew
That someday I would find this spot, and come to visit you.
~Walter Butler Palmer

We have been researching our family history for over 25 years now. We have used Find A Grave for much of that time. Genealogy is the gathering of facts, something that can evolve based upon the next piece of information. If you are reviewing one of our memorials and find a problem with it please suggest an edit. Our family does this to give back, to work together to assist others with their research. We understand that ones personal research is important to them. If we can help you find, or find out more about your relative we will joyfully assist.

God Bless!
Michael & Jennifer (McGuire) Batts - NGS, GGS, ECGS

We do transfer out of guidelines when the request is respectful and the memorials are not our family. Many of the memorials we manage come from photographing and documenting cemeteries. Our family enjoys documenting local cemeteries through photography. Please feel free to use our photos.

Due to so many edits without source and/or erroneous information we may require documentation if edit requests are questionable. Please do not be upset if we ask for reasonable proof. Please note (per Find a Grave guidelines) we will not post bio information to a memorial which includes the names of living people. Please do not ask.

Last name (per Find a Grave) is as found on the tombstone, if the interred had more than one marriage or other possible spellings, place this information in the bio and use family links. We will not change a memorials primary information where the request disagrees with that which is printed on the stone.

For names with a space, or not, it should be as on the stone not what others prefer. Spellings on memorials that are different than on stone should be changed to reflect the spelling on the stone once the photograph is added to verify the spelling.

The use of rank/rating is reserved for those who retire. Officers and enlisted personnel who resign their rank/rating are prohibited from using them as a part of their name after their service. (The Official Guide to Names, Titles, & Forms of Address)

SURNAME FOCUS: Bachman, Batts, Blair, Candlish, Guthrie, Havens, Hobgood, Holub, Maisenbacher, Martin, McGuire, Shakhrai, Taylor, Woodruff

Dear Ancestor,
Your tombstone stands among the rest; neglected and alone.
The name and date are chiseled out on polished, marbled stone.
It reaches out to all who care; it is too late to mourn.
You did not know that I exist; you died and I was born.

Yet each of us are cells of you in flesh, in blood, in bone.
Our blood contracts and beats a pulse entirely not our own.
Dear Ancestor, the place you filled one hundred years ago,
Spreads out among the ones you left who would have loved you so.

I wonder how you lived and loved, I wonder if you knew
That someday I would find this spot, and come to visit you.
~Walter Butler Palmer

We have been researching our family history for over 25 years now. We have used Find A Grave for much of that time. Genealogy is the gathering of facts, something that can evolve based upon the next piece of information. If you are reviewing one of our memorials and find a problem with it please suggest an edit. Our family does this to give back, to work together to assist others with their research. We understand that ones personal research is important to them. If we can help you find, or find out more about your relative we will joyfully assist.

God Bless!
Michael & Jennifer (McGuire) Batts - NGS, GGS, ECGS

We do transfer out of guidelines when the request is respectful and the memorials are not our family. Many of the memorials we manage come from photographing and documenting cemeteries. Our family enjoys documenting local cemeteries through photography. Please feel free to use our photos.

Due to so many edits without source and/or erroneous information we may require documentation if edit requests are questionable. Please do not be upset if we ask for reasonable proof. Please note (per Find a Grave guidelines) we will not post bio information to a memorial which includes the names of living people. Please do not ask.

Last name (per Find a Grave) is as found on the tombstone, if the interred had more than one marriage or other possible spellings, place this information in the bio and use family links. We will not change a memorials primary information where the request disagrees with that which is printed on the stone.

For names with a space, or not, it should be as on the stone not what others prefer. Spellings on memorials that are different than on stone should be changed to reflect the spelling on the stone once the photograph is added to verify the spelling.

The use of rank/rating is reserved for those who retire. Officers and enlisted personnel who resign their rank/rating are prohibited from using them as a part of their name after their service. (The Official Guide to Names, Titles, & Forms of Address)

SURNAME FOCUS: Bachman, Batts, Blair, Candlish, Guthrie, Havens, Hobgood, Holub, Maisenbacher, Martin, McGuire, Shakhrai, Taylor, Woodruff

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